Fittingly Jack Barry was awarded life membership of the Morningside AFC at Sunday’s Annual General Meeting.
Jack has made a significant contribution to the club for close to 20 years. During his time as Football Manager Jack went well beyond what was required of his job description. Jack was Football Manager at the Club from 2005 to 2012.He was instrumental in helping to keep the club going during difficult times.
Initially as Football Manager and subsequently as a hard-working volunteer Jack has continuously supported our club from the time that he arrived through to the present day.
Jack came to our club at a time of significant organisational and financial turmoil. It would have been easy for him to ‘just do his job’ but his passion and commitment to the club was the driver for his contributions beyond his job.
A highlight for Jack was being Football Manager when the Panthers celebrated back-to-back flags in 2009/2010. Jack had a vision for the club including the recognition of the Woman of football and so he instigated the Pink Panther which was launched in 2005 and is still thriving 18 years later!
Jack was a significant part of the change in culture at our club and when the Board was reconstituted as a working group and he was a great support and mentor to Board members. Also Jack’s counselling and guidance of players, and the playing group, was an important part of keeping the club together and under control.
Jack did all of this with a smile on his face while working from his windowless bunker behind the bar.
The club also recognised the support of Jack’s wife Liane, to the club over such an extended and continuous period.
Thank you Jack for the dedication, loyalty, and contribution that you made since arriving at the Panthers nearly 20 years ago.